EngerGage Videos will help you make more money before and during your live or virtual event, so you create greater impact by delivering a deeper, more emotional bond

This is done with transformational, hero storytelling and UGC videos


EngerGage Videos will help you make more money before and during your live or virtual event, so you create greater impact by delivering a deeper, more emotional bond

This is done with transformational, hero storytelling and UGC videos


Hero storytelling

Every tribe has that one person that began their journey "here, starting point zero" with an amazing story of trials and tribulations.

Through your training and tutelage, that person is now "on the other side" and living the life of their dreams.

This is the story we want to tell in 2-3 days where you show the video on the last day of the event so the 90% of the audience that has not reached this point, can say, "Wow, what an amazing story and this is exactly where I need to be until I achieve that goal."

We are MUSE storytellers (type of storytelling system) and our secret sauce is creating what we call an IMPACT video that depicts the transformation from where they started with you, until where they are now in their life/business.


Hero storytelling

Every tribe has that one person that began their journey "here, starting point zero" with an amazing story of trials and tribulations.

Through your training and tutelage, that person is now "on the other side" and living the life of their dreams.

This is the story we want to tell in 2-3 days where you show the video on the last day of the event so the 90% of the audience that has not reached this point, can say, "Wow, what an amazing story and this is exactly where I need to be until I achieve that goal."

We are MUSE storytellers (type of storytelling system) and our secret sauce is creating what we call an IMPACT video that depicts the transformation from where they started with you, until where they are now in their life/business.


Attendee Generated Content

During the breaks and at lunch, we have a team of 3 - 5 video collectors that are going around, asking for footage.

This video consists of one of the attendees grabbing the phone from a team member, spinning around, and giving their 1-key takeaway so far from the conference.

This is done with 10 - 15 attendees so we have enough footage to create different versions and sizes of videos (square, vertical, and landscape) so that we can go back, edit and deliver footage for ALL your social media platforms.


Attendee Generated Content

During the breaks and at lunch, we have a team of 3 - 5 video collectors that are going around, asking for footage.

This video consists of one of the attendees grabbing the phone from a team member, spinning around, and giving their 1-key takeaway so far from the conference.

This is done with 10 - 15 attendees so we have enough footage to create different versions and sizes of videos (square, vertical, and landscape) so that we can go back, edit and deliver footage for ALL your social media platforms.


Professionally captured

We set up our cameras in the hall or room close to the main conference room and ask designated people for testimonials.

These are professionally lit. The audio is perfect. The 5 chosen people are asked specific questions about the conference, training, and "leader" of the program.

We also take professional B-rolls of different segments of the conference in order to mix in alongside the testimonials.

This collection of footage is very different from the AGC (attendee-generated content) as the feel is more professionally produced.


Professionally captured

We set up our cameras in the hall or room close to the main conference room and ask designated people for testimonials.

These are professionally lit. The audio is perfect. The 5 chosen people are asked specific questions about the conference, training, and "leader" of the program.

We also take professional B-rolls of different segments of the conference in order to mix in alongside the testimonials.

This collection of footage is very different from the AGC (attendee-generated content) as the feel is more professionally produced.

Building curiosity

Behind the scenes

People love behind-the-scenes videos.

While capturing the video for the transformational documentary, we are filming behind-the-scenes footage that will be used to create different promotional videos, leading people to the "MAIN" video trailer.

Once again, we create videos in different sizes (vertical, square, and landscape) so that you can use them for all social channels.

These videos can be used for organic and paid ads but the goal is to drive enough curiosity that people click the link and watch the documentary-style trailer from the "hero character" you've chosen.


Behind the scenes

People love behind-the-scenes videos.

While capturing the video for the transformational documentary, we are filming behind-the-scenes footage that will be used to create different promotional videos, leading people to the "MAIN" video trailer.

Once again, we create videos in different sizes (vertical, square, and landscape) so that you can use them for all social channels.

These videos can be used for organic and paid ads but the goal is to drive enough curiosity that people click the link and watch the documentary-style trailer from the "hero character" you've chosen.


Speed + adaptability + creative

If it isn't obvious, we collect a lot of footage. Unlike other video production companies, we try to use every GREAT piece of content that we shoot so that you have more amazing video for either organic posting OR paid media campaigns. You can never have enough video and when it created with a purpose to promote attendance of current and future LIVE events, then you can never go wrong. Our clients have told us that our speed and creativity are two things that set us apart!


Speed + adaptability + creative

If it isn't obvious, we collect a lot of footage. Unlike other video production companies, we try to use every GREAT piece of content that we shoot so that you have more amazing video for either organic posting OR paid media campaigns. You can never have enough video and when it created with a purpose to promote attendance of current and future LIVE events, then you can never go wrong. Our clients have told us that our speed and creativity are two things that set us apart!

Our process


We fly out to their city

We fly to the hero's home city and film for an entire day. Capturing all the important aspects of their life: family, business, hobbies, etc. so that the viewer becomes emotionally endeared to the person because they've gotten to know their transformation, thanks to your tutelage, live event, show or conference


We attend your LIVE event

The team flies to the conference or show and captures all the footage necessary to do everything mentioned above. We interview as many people as possible to get crazy good footage.


Footage is masterfully edited

The documentary footage as well as the live event footage (hours upon hours) is sent to out team of editors. We pump out the documentary style video first for your approval. Then move onto getting the 50+ promotional videos, neatly organized into different folders.

Our process


We fly out to their city

We fly to the hero's home city and film for an entire day. Capturing all the important aspects of their life: family, business, hobbies, etc. so that the viewer becomes emotionally endeared to the person because they've gotten to know their transformation, thanks to your tutelage, live event, show or conference


We attend your LIVE event

The team flies to the conference or show and captures all the footage necessary to do everything mentioned above. We interview as many people as possible to get crazy good footage.


Footage is masterfully edited

The documentary footage as well as the live event footage (hours upon hours) is sent to out team of editors. We pump out the documentary style video first for your approval. Then move onto getting the 50+ promotional videos, neatly organized into different folders.

What are people saying?

"Working with Jaime and his team was a great experience. They took the footage we already had from previous shows and created master piece after master piece of short, bit sized videos that were fast paced, and extremely compelling. We can't wait to see what he can do with the Impact video they're going to create for next year's event!"

Frank P. Fulco - CEO - America's Beauty Show

What are people saying?

"Working with Jaime and his team was a great experience. They took the footage we already had from previous shows and created masterpiece after masterpiece of short, bit sized videos that were fast paced, and extremely compelling. We can't wait to see what he can do with the Impact video they're going to create for next year's event!"

Frank P. Fulco - CEO - America's Beauty Show


Damian Lanfranchi - COO of Marketing Funnel Automation


Damian Lanfranchi - COO of Marketing Funnel Automation

Thanks for doing this for me

Hero's gift (from you)

The person you've chosen has spent the entire day with us, documenting his/her story. That's a lot of work.

We produce a 3 - 5 minute video that you give to them as a token of gratitude. This is 100% for them. Talking about their business with no reference to your training or program.

The idea is they use it however they like: client acquisition or employee on-boarding or how they see fit. The value for this video is $7K and they are getting it FREE.

Thanks for doing this for me

Hero's gift (from you)

The person you've chosen has spent the entire day with us, documenting his/her story. That's a lot of work.

We produce a 3 - 5 minute video that you give to them as a token of gratitude. This is 100% for them. Talking about their business with no reference to your training or program.

The idea is they use it however they like: client acquisition or employee on-boarding or how they see fit. The value for this video is $7K and they are getting it FREE.

I'm Jaime, the guy

organizing all this for you!

My team and I are storytellers and video is our channel of choice to help our clients tell their stories through one of their successful students or clients. This is our passion and "superpower" and this is obvious in the final outcome. We pride ourselves on creativity, adaptability, and speed to implementation.

I'm Jaime, the guy

organizing all this for you!

My team and I are storytellers and video is our channel of choice to help our clients tell their stories through one of their successful students or clients. This is our passion and "superpower" and this is obvious in the final outcome. We pride ourselves on creativity, adaptability, and speed to implementation.

© 2022 EnterGage Videos. All rights reserved.

© 2022 EnterGage Videos. All rights reserved.